Big brotherly advice on fatherhood

So you’re a dad, little brother! Now what? Oh, the fun has just started. Snicker, snicker, snicker. First bit of advice from someone who’s been a father for almost eight years: When you hear someone say, “Oh, you’re a new father. The fun has just started … Snicker, snicker, snicker …,” resist the urge to run them over with your car. Because you will hear this a million times. They will tell you how you have no idea what awaits you. Because they do know what awaits you, and you don’t. Parenthood isn’t easy. Especially those first weeks and months. It’s like going to Army boot camp, only there you actually get sleep and pretty much everyone is potty trained. Not so with this. Some days you’ll wake up mad, exhausted, at your wit’s end. You will understand why lion fathers sometimes eat their young. “Honey, I told him that would happen if he kept biting my tail!” You might even question how you were ever conned into this deal. Because obviously this couldn’t have been your idea. No! You’re not a sucker. You don’t buy snake oil! And that will be the day someone walks up and says, “Looks like you haven’t slept in two weeks … you have a little baby poop on your chin … Let me tell you: The fun has just started! … Snicker, snicker, snicker.” Don’t … run … them … over … with … your … car! Because the fun HAS just started. … Continue reading Big brotherly advice on fatherhood